Cheat Sheet Exercise 1#
The simulator can be found here: Blockchain Simulator
Basic controls#
Load a network file: File > Load network from clipbaord
Toggle visualisations: Display > Toggle visualizations (Network overview & Time plot)
Toggle stats table: Display > Toggle miner stats table
Refresh the visualizer: Display > Refresh visualizer (or press
)Start the miners by pressing
Start All Miners
Start individual nodes by selecting the node and using the dropdown menu next to the button
Remove all miners:
Shift + Del
Remove individual node:
Clear the current data: Network > Clear all blockchains
Add miners to the network: Network > Add/edit miner
Computing power = mining power of the node
Network latency can be unchanged
Network Downlink/Uplink = Node connection bandwidth
Peers > Connections to other nodes
Can be changed in the network visualizer by selecting one node and double clicking/pressing shift while selecting other node
Node Explorer
Start/toggle mining
Network visualization
Time plot
Mining statistics
Sampling/Code execution